Welcome to CL’MASA-FAM’IA

Christian Friends,

We now have twelve interest sites started, which we will gradually add information; plus we are starting a Christian Family Blog for people to share ideas of family entertainment, past-time, recreation, etc. You can link to them from our home site “Christian Living – CL’MASA-FAM’IA” www.christianlivingclmasafamia.blogspot.com

In Christ, NaomiLeah

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Input from Friends From Around the World from Way Back

Input from Friends From Around the World from Way Back
Column Title-- Christian Living's Arts' & Crafts' Blog
JoLeAn's Arts' & Crafts' Patterns with Uncle Jacob & Aunt Hannah Knowles.
Theme – Arts & Crafts
In the late 1960’s through early 1970’s we started & published a newsletter with articles from persons from around the world. Now that I’ve retired from full time teaching I’m going through many, many boxes of materials that I’ve kept over the years & sorting through it, sending some to missions to use in their educational program, donating other materials to other causes, etc. Some, I need for the curriculum development work that I am still doing or for our camp programs. I just found some of these old news letters which I was looking for. They made me think, “How did I ever get these?? We did not have computers, internet, etc. back then. How did we get this information from people from all around the world??? I had to think a few minutes for the answer. Everything was by mail (it was a lot cheaper to send a letter in those days); starting in high school, I began writing to pen pals. Again, I had to jog my memory as to how I got these pen pals. I remembered, there used to be teen magazines with articles containing pen pal names, addresses, & other information. Also the group that encouraged me to start these new letters was The Faith, Hope, & Charity Missions, which was NaomiLeah’s family’s organization. Many in her family & her friends were missionaries and this was a group that supported them in pray, writing them letters, etc. It was between my pen pals & my writing missionaries, etc. that I was able to collect the information for our newsletters. I am still looking for the boxes with the original letters with snap shots of the pen pals & missionaries along with their last names. I just hope they did not get lost: I’ve been looking & looking for my white nursing Bible which had my family tree in that my grandmother filled in when I first went into nursing. Because of back problems, I later left nursing & went into education. When I went to Bible College I had taken educational classes also. I took nurses training & attended Bible College right after I graduated from high school.  I’m including the ethnic connections, if we have them, as at the time I asked the contributors to try and include information that they sent us that reflected on their ethnic back grounds. Enough on all of that; I just wanted to put some back ground to these articles. Nellie
Sent in by
From/Ethnic Connection
From Germany
From Saudi Arabia
Metal Working
From Panama
Glass Craft
From Wales
Candle Making
NA Chippewa, Kansas
Jewelry Making
From Canada
Wood Working
From Palestine
Fabric Painting
French from Canada
Cultural Crafts
South America
Paper Crafts
Slavic from Minnesota
Note – I’ll gradually add the above listed articles as comments, as I get them done; just scanning them is not working as the formats are too old. Nellie